Alpha Digital Productions
Creating Emotional Engagement Through Video Marketing
Visit Washington County: Four Seasons Destination Campaign
“Selling is getting someone intellectually engaged in a future result and getting them to emotionally commit to take action to achieve that result.”
Social media has provided a huge opportunity for organizations and companies to promote themselves to focused audiences. However, the importance of building awareness, building trust, and getting a customer emotionally engaged with the brand is over looked. This is especially true in a time where people are looking for new experiences that are affordable, outdoor, and socially distanced. However, Visit Washington saw an opportunity. We connected with them after creating video content for the irrigation supply company Reinders Inc.
We identified demographics we were advertising to, and watched other tourism content to get a broad concept of how to best market the county.
The video scripts needed to bring out emotional connection while linking to the various businesses and attractions that we were responsible for shooting.
Scheduling outdoor content shoots can be a challenge. The timing was incredibly important because we needed to gather content at the peak seasons. Flexibility was very important and we are always more than willing to do what is needed to grab the best possible content.
Final Projects
Summer In Washington County
The first Visit Washington County shoot on the list was our favorite time of the year, summer. We needed to highlight all of the best aspects of Washington County Summer mixed in with Visit Washington County’s members who were paying to be involved.
Scheduled shooting list:
- West Bend Farmers Market
- Tower Heritage Center
- Museum of Wisconsin Art (MOWA)- Gardens and Interior
- Coffeeville
- Splash Park
- Kettle Hills Golf Course
- Washington County Golf Course
- Scoop de Ville
- Wisconsin Auto Museum & Schauer Arts Center
- Timmer’s Resort
-Oktoberfest- Germantown
Visit Washington County- A Big Summer Experience
It’s the little things that whisper the delight of a new summer.
If we pay close attention, we can capture these moments.
Moments that deliver a lifetime of memories.
It’s the smile that a fresh scoop of ice brings when paired with a warm stroll through historic downtown.
The discovery of art that bursts to life when nature and the human intellect are combined.
A peaceful day of birdwatching on one of many Riverwalk’s,
Or maintaining poise to sink that first birdie of the day on our award-winning courses.
Because something as simple as a friendly face at the local farmers market,
could you bring you back to your roots.
Roots that help you hang onto memories for a little bit longer
You see, when in the right place, with the right people.
These little things don’t fade into the past, but these memories compound into long lasting relationships.
Its why here, the little things aren’t so little after all, and why something new, can be something pretty big.
As big as the Washington County, Wisconsin experience.
Find your big summer experience at
Fall In Washington County
With the summer video completed we now had a solid grasp of the process and direction for the tourist video series. Soon enough, the leaves were changing color and we were preparing for the Fall content shoot. We gathered the list of businesses and attractions we would be shooting. We then finalized the script that would align with the visuals while bringing forward intrigue and emotion in viewers.
Scheduled Shooting List:
- Richfield Historical Nature Park
- Historic Grist Mill and Blacksmith Shop
- Glacier Hills County Park
- Holy Hill Road
- Basilica of Holy Hill
- Ice Age Trail
- Kettle Moraine Forest at Pike Lake
- The Stillery
Visit Washington County- Find Fall’s Calling
In Washington County, Fall is more than a season. It’s a calling.
Its ring is the vibrant colors and sounds of leaves crackling when you walk on the trails in a park system of 1,200 Acres.
It's a call to the sound of water lapping the shores on one of many lakes.
When searching the winding roads and trails, stop and listen for Fall’s crisp invitation.
This invitation is unique to each who hears it.
It may invite you to Celebrate friendship at Oktoberfest…. or discover a new favorite restaurant.
For some, it’s a craving a visit to something Historic, while creating some history of their own.
For many, Fall allows family time to disconnect and enjoy the peacefulness that a cabin and great company provides.
For others, Fall can bring reflection of a simple time away with just yourself and a falling Maple leaf.
It’s why in Washington County, Wisconsin, Fall is more than a season, it's an experience to be answered by all.
Where we can find something new and gain respect for something old.
We invite you to find your Fall Calling at
Winter In Washington County
The snow brought a new challenge. Presenting winter in a positive light, when so many think the cold to be limiting when it comes to outdoor activities. Luckily we had the perfect mix of winter outdoor activities to really show Washington County in all its glory. We positioned this piece as an opportunity for visitors to explore something new during a time when most are hibernating.
Scheduled Shooting List:
- Cedar Lake Conservation
- Snow Shoe & Cross Country Ski Trails
-Kewaskum Snowmobile Trails
-Little Switzerland
-Timmer's Resort
Winter In Washington County- Exploring Winters Opportunities
The Start of winter brings with it unique opportunities.
Opportunities to connect with winters cold embrace.
When we embrace the cold, we find there might be more out there than expected.
Like a chance to rekindle childhood memories, while giving our kids an experience of their own.
Let's explore the wild side of winter together, and make a friend or two while doing it.
Some might take the opportunity to teach, while others learn to fall in love with the freedom of fresh snow.
When you need to warm up, a fish fry by the fireplace is never too far away.
it's why here, in Washington County Wisconsin, Winters opportunities ARE abundant.
Explore your winter opportunities, at
Spring- Coming Soon
Washington County: The Four Season Destination- Coming Soon